Wednesday, September 25, 2024

FILED UNDER: Masterful Learning Secret


FILED UNDER: Masterful Learning Secret

Do you seriously desire to better understand, better know, and better retain what you make effort to learn?

Do you want to know the absolutely BEST way to super-leverage your every effort to make your learning happen more swiftly, regularly, and deeply?

THE KEY: Approach ALL your learning efforts as if you're teaching that information to others every time you make any effort to learn anything.

If you do not believe this technique works, test it out first before you dismiss it.

AS AN ASIDE: I've used this method for over half my life and I credit it as the one true reason I have learned and retained as well as I have.

HOW'S IT DONE: I have an imaginary presence within my imagination that plays the part of an inquisitive & interested student who forces me to explain in detail what I'm making effort to learn. When what I'm learning is unclear, this student asks me to go over it again and again until I'm able to explain it fully, concisely, and clearly. When I cannot, I know I don't know the material(s). That student also ask "what ifs" to make sure I'm not fooling myself into thinking I have the basics down. I know I need to know the materials inside and out, and from all angles. This imaginary student helps me in that knowing!

AS A RESULT (of this technique): When I teach others (imaginary or real), I learn as well, if not more!

ADDITIONALLY: I reach out and discuss the materials with those individuals who I know would appreciate discussing them. These discussions further re-enforce my learning, and help raise supporting issues and holes that need to be worked upon. And those individuals I bring into the discussion walk away from it with a better understanding of the materials as well.

And it works, every single time!

-- Coach John S Nagy

Sunday, August 18, 2024

A Brother Asks: Mason On Site/At Sight


A Brother Asks: What is this authority that Grand Masters have to make masons at sight?

Great question!  Let's role up our sleeves on this one. 

First off, there's much confusion as to whether the term for this authority is "on site" or "at sight."  I will explain both so that it'll make sense either way.

Brother: Thanks!

Coach: In general, Grand Masters can: 

  1. (ON SITE) Convene a Lodge anywhere and at any time that they want.
    • But Grand Masters must assure in doing so that it is properly configured and tyled. 
  2. (AT SIGHT) Create the conditions to admit a man into our fraternity and do so on the spot at any time.
    • If and only if those members who are in the conveyed Lodges agree.

So, although Grand Masters can do these things (on site/at sight), they MUST have the support of the members attending. 

Having authority to make members on site/at sight is restricted-limited by Lodge member attendance and participation. 

This means: 

Grand Masters cannot just say, "I make this guy a member." 

Grand Masters MUST still obey-respect-adhere to the jurisdiction's rules in making effort to do so. 

Their proposed member MUST:

  1. Be voted upon by the impromptu convened Lodge and be accepted by the voting members.
  2. Still take his Obligation right then and there or that attempt to make him a member is not recognized as legitimate. 

Grand Masters breaking with any of these important protocols will not be respected by the membership and neither will the proposed member. 

Many members think Grand Masters have more authority than this right truly has.

Of course, there are jurisdictions that don't adhere to any of this.  But what I have outlined is what respectful Grand Masters assure are followed and for the shared reasons.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-27


-------------- HUMOR --------------  
With a little Perpending 
one discovers rather quickly
 that the importance of both 
the TFIG and the CG 
are summarily dismissed 
by one-day classes.  
OCD issue are not ever about
 the candidates who come through. 
OCD issues are all about 
robbing, cheating and wronging 
the candidates who come through them.
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
Sometimes it's Best 
to Step Aside 
when the Boulder of Stupidity
 is on a roll. 

-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

Liberty and Freedom:
1) How are they similar and how are they different?
2) How do you distinguish one from the other?
3) Provide examples that show the difference between the two.

-------------- ALLEGORY-------------- 

For Further Light:

-------------- ALLEGORY-------------- 

 Thinking that 
throwing enough fertilizer
 at insane seeds 
will make them bear usable fruit 
is what keeps you 
from getting what you want. 
You need different seeds 
for different results!
-------------- FAST ENOUGH --------------  
My Frustration has nothing to do 
with any effort on my part 
to change your World for the better. 
It has everything though 
to do with my inability 
to change my World toward the better
 fast enough. 
-------------- MISSING POINTS --------------   
When you have no time to do the Work, 
you miss the very point of the TFIG.  
-------------- ENDS --------------  
 Kind Hearts move past misunderstandings 
and reconcile them well toward amends. 
Malicious Hearts use such instances 
to twist their desires toward bad ends.
  -------------- GLORIFIED... -------------- 

The Greatest Defect 
of far too Many "Masters" 
is that they Don't Realize 
they are Nothing More than 
Glorified Apprentices.
 -------------- RUFFIANS --------------  

 -------------- HISTORY --------------  

“The most effective way 
to destroy people*
is to deny and obliterate 
their own understanding 
of their history.”
― George Orwell 
* or an organization or society...
-------------- THE MASONIC JOURNEY --------------  

I'm on it still!
-------------- QUOTES -------------- 

"Those who would give up
 essential Liberty,
 to purchase a little temporary Safety, 
deserve neither
 Liberty nor Safety."
-- Bro. Benjamin Franklin

-------------- MYTH --------------  


"Mythology is the womb  
of mankind's initiation  
to life and death."
-- Joseph Campbell
-------------- MDPS & FDPS --------------  
Personalized MDPs & FDPs:
1. What does your Personalized Masonic Development Plan (PMDP) look like?
2. How does it differ from your Personalized Freemasonic Development Plan (PFDP)?
3. How did you go about developing each?
4. What are the activities and time frames for each item on your plan?
5. Who helped you put these plans together?
6. Who shall help you assure that you accomplish each task?
7. To the best of your knowledge and on a scale from one to ten, how complete are your plans? (1 indicating incomplete, 10 indicating complete)
8. If you score yourself less than 10, what is missing from each plan that prevents them from being perfect 10s?
9. What's next on your list?
10. When shall this next item on your list be completed?
-------------- THOUGHTS --------------  
-------------- SYMBOLISM --------------  

Fun review...
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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Wednesday, June 26, 2024

A Brother Asks: Making Master Masons


A Brother Asks: Isn't the basic function of a Masonic Lodge is to make Master Masons? 

Coach: Unfortunately, for most every Lodge, the entire purpose of a Freemasonic Lodge is thought to be to make members. This is so that the money coming in from those members will help to cover the overhead of the white elephants they maintain. Those white elephants are their lodge building and associated properties commonly owned by the Fraternal organization itself. 

As far as making Master Masons, this is very far from the actual reality of Lodge operations. Lodges can call the members who go through three degrees "Master Masons" till the end of time or till they turn blue in the face, whichever comes first. However, with rare exception, these assembly line members are merely dues paying members. They're anything but masterful in what espoused Ritual asks of them. Most members have no clue what their Masonic purpose is.

Brother: Then what should the Lodge's focus upon to correct this?

Coach: The Lodge's Basic Function SHOULD be first and foremost making Masterful Masons. This focus would shift their activity insanity FROM new membership driven activities that try to keep the doors open by making more members TO a sane betterment drive that attracts new members because these pre-masons see evidence of mastery in the current membership.

With rare exception, pre-masons will NEVER see Masonic Mastery exhibited by the majority of the Lodge members they inspect because Masonic Mastery has NOT been cultivated in them; just the ability to memorize and regurgitate stuff that they have little to no understanding of.




Random Building Thoughts - 2024-06-26


 -------------- OUR MASONIC PURPOSE --------------  

For Further Light: 
You'll find it clearly stated
toward the end of
the Apprentice Degree.
Can you find
and communicate it?

 -------------- MASONIC EDUCATION --------------   

-------------- MASONIC EDUCATION TOO --------------  

To understand
TRUE "Masonic Education" 
you first must understand 
how it differs from
"Freemasonic Education"
-------------- MASON JAR --------------  
-------------- CHARACTER --------------  
When you Conclude 
that you can't Trust your Trust, 
you're still Trusting 
your Mistrust of your Trust.
-------------- CHALLENGE --------------  

Identify the year (or general decade) 
when the Working Tools 
were given symbolic application within Ritual.
NOTE: Not the symbolic application themselves; 
only the year!
Let the rabbit chase begin!

-------------- IT DOES! --------------  
Masonry Rocks!  
-------------- DRESS --------------   

Ruffian Attire: 
Because just like 
the Ruffians who wear them, 
they'll always cost more 
than they are worth!
-------------- GOD --------------  

It's humorous 
when people say they "found God". 
This of course is impossible! 
God doesn't get Lost. 
God made the territory. 
God surrounds us. 
They didn't "find" God. 
They merely became "aware" 
that God is present. 
They finally "noticed" 
that they were not alone. 
 -------------- TRUTH --------------   

I've had far too many people in my life 
push me to this point, 
purposefully trying to prove I was disloyal 
by the most devious means possible. 
Each of them showed me 
that my initial loyalty to them 
was never in question. 
My placing trust in them was.
 Hence the crucial need
 for "No Training!"
  -------------- WELL? -------------- 
-------------- OFF ENDED --------------  

You're more Likely to get "Off Ended" 
when you're Already Mentally "On Edge".
-------------- ASTRONOMY --------------  

Tell me if you see something quite remarkable...
-------------- RUFFIAN -------------- 

-------------- MYTH --------------  
“Marriage is not a love affair. 
A love affair is a totally different thing. 
A marriage is a commitment to that which you are. 
That person is literally your other half. 
And you and the other are one. 
A love affair isn't that. 
That is a relationship for pleasure, 
and when it gets to be unpleasurable, it's off.
 But a marriage is a life commitment, 
and a life commitment means the prime concern of your life. 
If marriage is not the prime concern, 
you're not married....
The Puritans called marriage 
"the little church within the Church." 
In marriage, every day you love, and every day you forgive. 
It is an ongoing sacrament – love and forgiveness.... 
Like the yin/yang symbol....Here I am, 
and here she is, and here we are. 
Now when I have to make a sacrifice, 
I'm not sacrificing to her,
 I'm sacrificing to the relationship. 
Resentment against the other one is wrongly placed. 
Life is in the relationship,
 that's where your life now is. 
That's what a marriage is –
 whereas, in a love affair, 
you have two lives in a more or less 
successful relationship to each other 
for a certain length of time, as long as it seems agreeable.”
Joseph Campbell,  
The Power of Myth  
-------------- END --------------

 Be Well and Travel Light!
-- Coach Nagy ;-)

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